e-Weblink Link Exchange System is a property of BEBOK34 SP. Z O.O. located in Katowice, ul.Porcelanowa 23B/7, 40-246 Katowice. NIP: 9542780298 e-Weblink Link Exchange System is copyright protected by the copyright act from 04.02.1994 (Dz. U. 1994, Nr 24, poz. 83).
Basic concepts included in the regulations:
Regulations - present regulations of accessing e-Weblink Link Exchange System.
User - every natural and legal person registered in e-Weblink Link Exchange System.
System - e-Weblink Link Exchange System.
General provisions
There are the following types of user accounts in the system:
Standard – free, limited to 400 links, no additional options
Pro – paid 30zł net a month, limited to 500 links, 500 domains, all additional options,
Pro+ – paid 750zł net a year, limited to 2000 links, 500 domains, all additional options,
ProMulti - paid 810zl net for 3 months, limited to 5000 links, 5000 domains, all additional options.
All new accounts must be validated by an activation link. If there are irregularities detected, the user is noticed about suspending or blocking the account.
Account activation – for paid accounts – follows payment.
User has no right to accept any contracts or offers on behalf of Bebok34 Sp. z o.o..
User has no right to pose as the Bebok34 Sp. z o.o. or its representative.
Websites starting with the 'www' prefix will be admitted to the System.
Websites and text links are moderated by administrators and may be deleted from the System without giving the cause.
Websites and text links cannot contain: erotic, pornographic, drug-related, adult, generally considered as offensive and obscene, racist, fascist, violence promoting, inspiring racial or religious based hatred, and generally viewed as immoral and netiquette violating content.
Websites cannot directly or indirectly point to web addresses mentioned in point 8 of present Regulations’ General provisions.
Users placing text links to websites declare having the permission to act as a representative to the domains they link to.
User is solely responsible for any copyrights transgression by using the content owned by another person on their website or in any other way.
System is not responsible for the advertising links in the System.
The code generated by the System must be pasted into every website without modifications.
Bebok34 Sp. z o.o. takes no responsibility for any losses caused by using the System.
Bebok34 Sp. z o.o. takes no responsibility for any losses caused by technical reasons independent from the owner or chance reasons.
Every User is granted access to the statistics.
User can deinstall the System from his website at any time, with or without giving reasons.
Account payments are not returnable.
Bebok34 Sp. z o.o. will commit itself to protecting Users’ personal data according to the legislation act from 29 September 1997 about personal data protection and to use them only for the purpose of executing the order.
Grading scale and website links.
For installing the system, User is granted a specific amount of points.
Points are granted for websites indexed at Google as well as for MajesticSeo BL and links to unbanned websites.
The following discounts are granted:
Value up to 4: +30% from points for a calculated site
Value 5-9: 0%
Value 10 and higher: -70%
Discounts in the System are granted for:
'small website' for Google site <= 100 and MajesticSeo backlinks >= 1000 (+1000 points),
unique IP (+40%),
participation time (+30 points per month).
Points are updated at least once a week
Assigning points to the links happens by setting the weight out of 10.
The links anchortext cannot include content mentioned in point I.8 of present Regulations.
Links are downloaded every 48 hours by the amount of 250 according to their order. 5 links are displayed on the website.
Web pages are analyzed by the robots every day on the basis of checking the integrity of the System installation.
In the case of noticing that System links are not displayed on the website, it is blocked in the System and the User gets a yellow card warning.
Five yellow cards result in blocking the account and all the domains added to the System without the possibility of re-adding them.
Yellow cards are visible to the System administrators and moderators only.
Points from a blocked account are deleted.
Points transfer.
System gives the opportunity to transfer the points (for Pro and Pro+ users).
Bebok34 Sp. z o.o. takes no responsibility for the commercial transactions made during points transfer.
Bebok34 Sp. z o.o. collects no fees for the transactions between the System’s clients.
Final provisions.
For trying to cheat the System, improper usage or acting to the detriment of the System, User account will be blocked.
System administrators can delete the account without giving causes.
By registering in the System, the User accepts the Regulations.
Users agree to receive e-mail newsletters and promotional materials.
System Users who disagree with the latest Regulations changes are obliged to send written notice by fax (032/ 326 73 86), e-mail or snail mail to our address up to 01.10.2008
Contract will be terminated immediately as a result of a written notice.
Only yearly payments will be returned to a chosen bank account in proportion to the paid period of time left.
New Users accept the Regulations by registering in the System.
Bebok34 Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to change the Regulations.